Participation in the edition of etchings in honor of Zacatecas
Centenary; event by the Graphic Center of Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Mexico.
January 27: Interview New vision of the mexican murals: the work of Conrado Dominguez. Tepantlato Magazine, UNAM http://www.tepantlato.com.mx/.
April: Individual exhibition, International Festival Zacatecas Mexico. www.festivalculturalzacatecas.com/programa-2010/galerias/
June-October: Nord Art 2010, Kunst in Der Carlshütte gGmbH, Büdelsdorf, Germany. www.kic-nordart.de/
August-October: MEXICAN SHOOL & MEXICAN CONTEMPORARY ART, Museum Kronberger Malerkolonie, Frankfurt, Germany. www.galerieamparkfrankfurt.de
October: Pedro Gerson Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico.
December: Collective exhibition Zacatecas Centenary; Graphic Center of Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Mexico.